Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Want to Break Habits? Make Some

Coming out of a habit is not an easy task. All of us have habits that we want to get away from - but its hard! I was listening to an HBR ideacast few days ago and really liked some thoughts. The idea behind the whole thing was that its not as important to feel bad about your habit and convince yourself that "I will not do it". But, it is important to train yourself on "This is what I will do" when I am about to become the victim of my habit. So, if you want to quit cigarette  - don't convince yourself again and again on "I wont smoke next time". But, tell yourself what will you do when you want to smoke - i.e. train yourself on "I will chew a gum" next time I want to smoke. This trains the mind that the right sequence to follow is not to smoke but to chew a gum. Soon, you mind will be asking for gum and not smoke.

So, break the bad sequence by training yourself on an alternate sequence and not by simply stopping to do the old one.

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